Chris Malu sang the Hessentag song

On Tuesday afternoon (14th June) it was local singer Chris Malu’s turn to entertain the wine village in the Rushmoor Park at the Hessentag in Oberursel.

Starting with the Hessentag song “Oberursel, Tor zum Taunus”, the much of her repertoire concentrated on the subject of “wine”, with songs such as “Weinparadies”, “Einmal am Rhein” and her own composition “Champagnelaune”.

Chris Malu on stage in Rushmoor Park at the Hessentag in Oberursel

Chris Malu on stage in Rushmoor Park

But she also sang classic Schlager songs such as “Ein Stern, der Deinen Namen trägt”. [Read more…]

The Hessentag has started

The afternoon saw the official opening of the Hessentag in Oberursel.  After 4 years of planning (and roadworks), the day had arrived when the building work stopped and the party began.

The opening took place in the Rushmoor Park, located on one side of the town near to the Maasgrund.  Musicians from Stierstadt entertained the crowd during the long hot wait, until the Ministerpräsident of Hesse – Volker Bouffier – arrived with his wife, Ursula, the mayor Oberursel Hans-Georg Brum, Landrat Ulrich Krebs and the Hessentagspaar.

Volker Bouffier opens the 51st Hessentag in Oberursel

Volker Bouffier opening the Hessentag in Oberursel

Also attending were representatives from the towns of Wetzlar and Vellmar, where the Hessentag is due to take place in 2012 and 2013 respectively. [Read more…]

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