How Oberursel’s Synagogue survived the Reichspogromnacht

Today Germany is commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Reichspogromnacht, also known as Kristallnacht or in English as the “Night of Broken Glass” when, on 9th November, 1938, Jewish homes, shops, businesses and synagogues where attacked.

Oberursel was no exception on that night, and it is reported that headstones were damaged in the Jewish cemetery in Altkönigstraße, families attacked and at least two men being arrested and deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp.

But whilst in other towns Synagogues were set on fire and destroyed, Oberursel’s survived. [Read more…]

Weidengasse closed

Roadworks sign - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / RedKoalaThe Weidengasse will be closed from Thursday, 19th September, until Friday, 15th November, 2013, to allow renovation work to take place on one of the houses it in.

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