Die Zuschlagmarke is a type of stamp that has two face values: one for the postage and another for a special cause, eg. 55+25 These sorts of stamps often appear before Christmas and include a small donation to a charity. In the above example 55 cents would be the postage for a letter and 25 cents would be the donation. The donation is not allowed to be higher than half … [Read more...]
Büchersendung is a way of sending books cheaply through the post. It also covers maps and sheet music, but there are restrictions on what counts as a book and what you are allowed to pack with it. You can include a bill, or a bank transfer form, or a return envelope – but not a letter. Büchersendung may be cheaper, but you are not allowed to seal the envelope when sending … [Read more...]
If you order goods in Germany, eg. by telephone or on-line, then you have a number of different ways of paying for them. Sending the goods Per Nachnahme means that, for a small fee, the goods are dispatched and you pay for them at the door. The postman collects the amount owed and this is transferred to the seller's account. The advantage is that the seller can send off … [Read more...]
Paket & Päckchen
Paket and Päckchen are two ways of sending parcels through the post. You would use a Päckchen if you are something relatively light, with little value or when you do not need proof of sending. For more valuable and especially commercial goods, you should use a Paket as you have a receipt to show that you sent it, a tracking number to follow the parcel online and … [Read more...]
If you need proof that you have sent a letter by post, then you send it “per Einschreiben”. In return for paying an additional fee to the normal postage you receive a receipt as proof of posting and can choose between different methods of delivery. These methods are: the postman documents that he or she put the letter in the recipient’s postbox (Einwurf), the letter is … [Read more...]