Yesterday (6th August) was Bolivia’s national holiday. On this day, the President visits the constitutional capital – Sucre – and various organisations take part in a parade around the town square from where he traditionally waves to them from the balcony of one of the Government buildings.
Among those marching are the Scout Groups from Sucre, and 9 years ago I was lucky enough to take part in the parade with one of them.

Grupo Sagrado Corazón, Sucre (6th August, 2000)
This year the parade looks to have been slightly different. The online newspaper La Razón has a report this morning containing a photo of the President himself walking around the square. Was he leading the parade? Is this a new idea? Or did his predecessor do the same thing and I missed it because I was so far behind?
Walking at the head of the parade may well be a sign that he is leading the country with the people rather than from above them, and comes at a time when parts of the new constitution are coming into force.
The constitution not only allows President Morales to be re-elected in December, but is said to give more autonomy to indigenous communities. This fact alone must create some difficult situations, as last year one region did try to hold a referendum on autonomy, only for this to be opposed by none other than Morales himself.
So is it one rule for indigenous communities, and another rule for the rest? We will have to wait and see what difference the new constitution really does make.
Back to the national holiday, and I was hoping to see some photos of the event on the website of the local newspaper: Correo del Sur. But for some reason, their website is down. Not the best week for that to happen. Anyone know why?
And whilst on the subject of photos, it is worth mentioning that at the end of the parade all of the Scout Groups get together for a District photo – something that takes some organising. I am on the photo that was taken in the year 2000, and was promised a copy of it. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for it.
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