It sounds (or should that be tastes?) too good to be true. Yes, it really is a lorry powered by chocolate. Well, almost.
I came across this story on the BBC News website and it sounds like a crazy, also an innovative idea.
Put quite simply: the waste left over from cocoa when making chocolate is being recycled into bio-diesel. To make people aware of the project, the lorry is being driven from the UK quite literally to Timbuktu.
Why do I like this project? Well, since I started following news items about biofuels I have probably seen as many arguments against them as I have seen in favour of them.
This project seems to defeat most of the arguments against them: nothing is being grown especially to make the fuel, no trees are being chopped down. The only question remaining is: does it take more or less energy to process the waste into bio-diesel than it did to process it before?
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