The Störtebeker Festspiele start their 2013 season this Saturday, and with the main figure Klaus Störtebeker losing his head at the end of last year’s production, this year sees a new actor – Bastian Semm – take over the role.
Taking on such a major role is surely not an easy task considering that it has only been played by two other actors in the past 20 years that the Festspiele have been going for, especially when one of them (Norbert Braun) is on the stage beside you playing Klaus Störtebeker’s father. But Bastian is determined to make his mark and play his Klaus Störtebeker whilst keeping the elements that makes the character what it is.

Bastian Semm as Klaus Störtebeker
But not just Klaus Störtebeker is being played by someone new, his friend Goedeke Michels also has a new appearance in the shape of Andreas Euler, again a role that the same actor had played for the past 10 years. [Read more…]