
Some links to interesting news stories in Germany today:

Gutachten wies auf Fehler beim U-Bahn-Bau hin
This week the city archive of Cologne collapsed.  An underground line being built in front of it is being discussed as one of the possible causes.  Now it appears that were warnings about the structure of the new line 5 years ago.

Zahlte Opel keine Steuern?
Opel would like the German state to help them out financially, but now a magazine is claiming that the company did not pay taxes in Germany and instead transferred profits to GM.

Patentstreit um Google-Handy in Deutschland
Google would like to sell their new mobile phone in Germany, but a Taiwanese phone manufacturer is claiming that they are infringing on existing patents.


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About Graham

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Germany as a placement student in 1993, returning in 1995 to live there permanently. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche and other publications he works as a self-employed IT consultant and online community manager. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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