The new Youth Club (Jugendtreff) in Oberstedten

Kirchstrasse 34 in OberstedtenI must have driven past the building that houses the Jugendtreff or youth club in Oberstedten – part of Oberusel – many times without realising that it is there.  For me, the building housed the local Amtsgericht or court, but yesterday I found out just how much more goes on in there.

The room has been restyled and redecorated, and yesterday the grand opening took place with a number of the town’s dignitaries in attendance.

And whilst it is just one room that is available for Oberstedten’s teenagers to meet in, that room is not just a big open space.  Following a “beach bar” theme, there are corners where people can sit and chat but also an open space that contains a table-top football game (“Kicker”) and a pool table.  There is also plenty of space outside that can be used in the summer months.

Inside the Jugendtreff at the Opening

This is, however, just the latest use for this room.  Local residents who were at the opening told me that although it is known as the Altes Rathaus or Old Town Hall, the building was housed the village school and even the public baths.

In his speech, Alderman Fink welcomed the fact that so many generations had come to opening – not just the 12+ age group that will use normally be using the room.  He also welcomed the fact that much of the work has been carried out by volunteers and mentioned the donations that hat been made.

Jutta Niesel-Heinrichs from the Ortsbeirat with Jörg Spreier and Verena Herzberger from the Jugendtreff and Alderman Christof Fink

Jutta Niesel-Heinrichs from the Ortsbeirat with Jörg Spreier and Verena Herzberger from the Jugendtreff and Alderman Christof Fink

The club will not only be a place to go, relax and talk, but also where the young people can get advice on things that affect them or that they are concerned about.  Each week they also plan to offer an activity.  Currently planned are Wing Tsun self-defence course, art projects and something called “Integration through Sport and Movement”.  There is also talk of the room being available for other youth organisations to use as well.

One of the things highlighted by the Ortsbeirat (that’s sort of like a parish council, that has a say in how their part of the town is run) is the fact that the club offers somewhere to go without Oberstedten, without the need to travel to Oberursel itself in the evening after a full day at school [sic] and possibly without any means of transport other than the local bus service.

The inaugural football game

The inaugural football game

The Jugendtreff is open each Tuesday and Wednesday between 5.30pm and 8pm at Kirchstraße 34 in Oberstedten.


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About Graham

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Germany as a placement student in 1993, returning in 1995 to live there permanently. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche and other publications he works as a self-employed IT consultant and online community manager. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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