Last call for residents to get their permits

A car parked in OberurselResidents of Oberursel have only a few days left to apply online for permits to enter the closed streets during the forthcoming Hessentag.

The permits have been available since the middle of April, but for whatever reason some people still have not applied for theirs.  This may be due in part to the information only being published in the newspapers and on the town website, but – as far as I know – not being put into letterboxes of the affected streets.  Anyone who does not read those sources and has not made preparations may be in for a surprise!

Put quite simply, the centre of Oberursel will be closed from 10th June to 19th June, with some roads closed in the centre two days before and one day after the event as well.  That area is called the red zone and residents will only be able to use the roads between 6am and 9.30am.

Even when this was announced, many locals continued to ask questions like “what time can I get back in of an evening” or “what time at night will the roads be re-opened”.  Again, the answer is simple: not at all.  At least, not until 6am.

Outside the red zone, Oberursel has been divided up into 7 further zones, and residents and local businesses generally only have access to their own zone.  Each zone can only be accessed by one point of entry, and there is no way to get between the zones.  In some cases, special access roads have even been laid!

So, for example, if you live in the Oberhöchstäter Straße then you are in the blue zone and your point of entry is at the junction with the L3015 (Weingärten by-pass), meaning that to get to Bad Homburg you need to take a de-tour via Heddernheim or Oberhöchstadt.

If you live in Bommersheim, then you are in the pink zone and your point of entry is between the bridges on the Homburger Landstraße.

Download a map of the zones from

The permits also show whether you have permission to park on the roads during the the Hessentag, or whether your permit is only for your own private parking space.  This is especially the case for local businesses, who apply for permits for their employees based on parking spaces being available on their own land.

Applications for the permits can be made online using this form until Friday, 3rd June.  After that, you will need to go to the Einwohnermeldeamt in the Rathaus in person.

About Graham

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Germany as a placement student in 1993, returning in 1995 to live there permanently. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche and other publications he works as a self-employed IT consultant and online community manager. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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