How to get to the Hessentag: by car

CarOf course, not everyone lives near enough to Oberursel to come to the Hessentag by bicycle, or has the convenience of a train line nearby to get there by S-Bahn or U-Bahn.  Many people will still want to come by car.

But with the town closed to traffic for the entire duration of the Hessentag (except to residents), drivers will need to head to one of the two car parks that are being set up especially for the event.

It is also worth noting, that you cannot get from one side of Oberursel to the other – even the residents have to take a detour via Heddernheim or Oberhöchstadt.

The first car park is located at an area called the Drei Hasen, between Toom Baumarkt and the A661 motorway.  Anyone coming from Bad Homburg direction should head for that, or if you are coming by motorway, it should be signposted once you read Bad Homburger Kreuz on the A5.  This is the car park nearest to the Landesausstellung.

The other car park is on the fields between Bommersheim and Frankfurt.  If you are coming from the Steinbach direction or even out of Frankfurt using the Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße then this is where you will be directed to.

Coming from somewhere like Offenbach on the A661 motorway, you can also reach this car park by taking the Kalbach exit, from where again it should be signposted.

Note that because the U-Bahn will be running so frequently, some of the crossings between Oberursel and Frankfurt will be closed off, such as where the line crosses the road in Bommerheim and where Am Weißkirchener Berg meets the Frankfurter Landstraße near Weißkirchen.

Using one of the car parks costs €5 per day, but this includes a group ticket for up to 5 people to use the buses and trains within Oberursel.  That ticket alone normally costs €6!  (The car park ticket should show the RMV logo on it)

So with that in mind it’s really not worth trying to find somewhere else to park outside of the centre, and even if you are coming from somewhere like Königstein or Schmitten it makes sense to head to the Drei Hasen.  Believe me, the residents in the Rosengärtchen, Eichwäldchen and Dornbach areas will thank you for doing so!

About Graham

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Germany as a placement student in 1993, returning in 1995 to live there permanently. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche and other publications he works as a self-employed IT consultant and online community manager. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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