A sponsored walk to Oberstedten and back

The starting point for the sponsored walk near OberstedtenLast Sunday saw a flurry of activity in the woods between the northern end of Oberursel and nearby Oberstedten.  Several hundred children and parents from the local Waldorf school were holding a sponsored walk to raise money for a school  in South Africa.

Although the school itself borders on the area, the start was actually located some distance away in the woods itself – signs led those like myself who had gone to the school instead from the gates along a trail to get there.

Once at the check-in point, the walk itself took a circuit that was about 1 km long, with the walkers being sponsored on a per-lap basis.  Over 300 people were expected to take part.

The sponsorship money raised will be put to use in a project at the Dassenberg Waldorf School in South Africa who have had a partnership with the school in Oberursel for the past 15 years. [Read more…]

First impressions of a Waldorf School

School blackboard - ©iStockphoto.com/kyoshinoLast week our local Waldorf school held an open day – an “open classroom day” to be precise.  The Waldorf education method differs from the normal state education in Germany, even though it was developed here in the first half of the 20th Century.

Now admittedly this was not my first contact the method, having previously had conversations with teachers at both this and other Waldorf schools and learnt, for example, that the teachers are expected to prepare the lessons themselves – in most cases without the use of text books.  But it was a chance to experience the lessons first hand, as the classroom was opened up for parents of the children and anyone else interested to sit in on them and watch.

I spent the morning observing year 5, [Read more…]

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