Elvis Presley Traffic Lights

Today is the 46th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death on 16th August, 1977.

During his time in the U.S. Army, he was stationed at Ray Barracks in Friedberg (Germany) between October 1958 and March 1960.

To show their connection to the singer, the town has a square called “Elvis-Presley-Platz” which even has traffic lights showing his silhouettes.

Elvis-Presley-Platz, Friedberg
Elvis Presley Traffic Lights in Friedberg

This road is set to become a “Fahrradstrasse”

This road in Oberursel is set to become a “Fahrradstraße” – a road where cyclists have priority over motorists.

But the plans are not without their critics, as cyclicsts will join the main road in the opposite direct to the traffic at the entrance to the new fire station:

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Victims’ Memorial covered up

The victims’ memorial in Oberursel (Opferdenkmal) has been covered up to protect it from damage in the coming months.

The memorial stands next to the Hospitalkirche which is due to have to its roof refurbished, work which will take around five months to complete.

The “Initiative Opferdenkmal” has arranged for part of the memorial to be removed during the work and the rest to be covered up. At the same time, they have produced a banner to hang on the building site fence, which allows passers-by to see a photo of it.

Dr. Christoph Müllerleile and Annette Andernacht from the Iniative Opferdenkmal with the new banner (Photo: Initiative Opferdenkmal)

Dr. Christoph Müllerleile and Annette Andernacht from the Initiative Opferdenkmal with the new banner (Photo: Initiative Opferdenkmal)

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