When does the last train leave Oberursel during the Hessentag?
Whilst the train may offer one of the most convenient ways to get to the Hessentag in Oberursel, the question a lot of visitors will be asking is when the last train leaves so that they can get home again.
This is going to be especially relevant to those visiting events such as the “Just White” concert and the YOU FM Clubnight which finish at 2am and 5am respectively, as both the U-Bahn and S-Bahn do not normally run through the night. [Read more…]
How to get to the Hessentag: by motorbike
Getting to the Hessentag in Oberursel by motorbike is going to similar to getting there by car – with one major exception. There are special parking spaces set up for motorbikes.
These are located next to the main car parks, at An den Drei Hasen and just outside Bommersheim, and the good news for bikers is that these are free! [Read more…]