Snow on the Feldberg (in April)

These photos were taken this morning, Thursday, 16th April, 2024 on the Feldberg in the Taunus area:

Snow at the summit of the Feldberg on 16th April, 2024
Snow on the approach road to the Feldberg on 16th April, 2024

Landing in crosswind at Düsseldorf airport

Germany has been battered by two storms over the last week.

This film, posted on YouTube, shows planes landing at Düsseldorf airport during the high winds.

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Preparing for the coming winter

Preparing for the coming winterLast winter many towns in Germany were criticised for not doing enough to prepare for the hard winter months. In fact, when I think about it, the last TWO winters have been very cold and with lots of snow here, and in some cases I had the feeling that the side roads were not being gritted or cleared. There were days when it was almost impossible to get off my parking space and I resorted to taking the bus into town to get to my appointments.

Now Oberursel, at least, is confident that it is well prepared for the 2011/2012 winter, and the new winter service came into force last Monday. At the same time, the mayor has made a point of reminding the residents that they have snow-clearing responsibilities as well! [Read more…]

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