Worldfest at Frankfurt International School – Award for Astrid Kastening

The Japanese stand at the WorldfestLast Sunday saw the annual Worldfest held at Frankfurt International School in Oberursel.

This year the food from the 16 participating countries ranged from Coronation Chicken (Great Britain) to Kashk va bademjan (Iran) and from Kangaroo kebabs (Australia) to Falafel (Israel).

I also discovered a new drink to try: Mango Lassi from India – a mixture of mango purée and yoghurt.

One of the highlights of the afternoon was the presentation of the Mark E. Ulfers Leadership Award to Astrid Kastening. [Read more…]

Finding the right place for Frankfurt International School’s new sports centre

A joint announcement was made at the Rathaus in Oberursel yesterday, and you could tell how important it was by of the number of people present.  Representatives of 5 political parties, the school, the town, local residents, and even the mayor got together to announce a compromise had been reached on the location for the new FIS sports hall.

Frankfurt International School

The project started two years ago when Frankfurt International School (FIS) in Oberursel held a competition to design a new sports hall.  The winning entry would have probably been the easiest to build, as it was outside the current campus and would have been located diagonally opposite the main entrance at the Waldlust, next to the Hans-Rother-Steg.

Except that this location had its opponents.  For a start there were the local residents in that road who already have to contend with the traffic that the school generates.  They collected over 900 signatures against the plan.

But there were also a number of groups who were opposed to the forest being cut down to make space for the building.

This particular area of forest is called a Schutzwald, ie. a forest that enjoys a certain level of protection because it performs a specific function, such as preventing landslides or for water management.

And so it was, that in the past months all of these groups, along with the parties from the town’s parliament, have sat down at a so-called “round table” to discuss the options available.

A number of options were on the table, and the school evaluated each of them on criteria such as security for the campus, accessibility, but also for their environmental impact and whether they could also reduce the daily traffic load that the roads around the school have cope with. [Read more…]

The Mühlenwanderweg – walking where the mills used to be

It was only recently that I discovered the Mühlenwanderweg in Oberursel.  It happened quite by chance, as I wanted to walk from the International Scout Camp during the Hessentag into town, and my route took me that way.  Otherwise, I may still not have known it was there.

So when I found out that the local history society (Verein für Geschichte und Heimatkunde) was offering a guided walk along part of the path, I decided to go along and find out more.

The Mühlenwanderweg in Oberursel in the woods behind Frankfurt International School

In the woods behind Frankfurt International School

The Mühlenwanderweg starts in the woods at the Hohemark, behind the new Taunus Information Centre. [Read more…]

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