If you walk through the Adenaueralle this and next week, you will probably notice the colourful construction trailer parked in the middle of it, where the flea market stands normally are.
The trailer is part of the project “Café Zugvogel” – literally, the migrating bird café- which has been arranged by the centre for advising youths and addiction in Hochtaunuskreis. After spending two weeks each in Bad Homburg and Kronberg, they are spending the last two weeks of the summer holidays in Oberursel.
From Monday to Friday, 4pm to 9pm, the cocktail bar will be open and the deckchairs out, with the drinks being at cost price. But what, you may ask, has that to do with addiction and youth advisors?

Rajeevan, Benny, Enrico, Katharina Rexroth and Pascal shelter from the rain
Katharina Rexroth, Oberursel’s mobile advisor, has an answer to that. The project is seen as a preventative measure to offer the young people of the town, roughly aged between 12 and 20, something to do in their evenings. Although that does not mean that she is not available to talk to if people have problems to discuss. Quite the opposite in fact, with support coming from her colleagues Jens Krämer, Jörg Spreier and trainee Laura Rieth.
It is no co-incidence that they have chosen that spot for their trailer. The young people come from all parts of the town and some even come by train.
There are hardly any fixed activities planned for the week, except the “Light-Painting-Workshop” on Wednesday. Everything else is prepared so that the team can react to the weather and the young people’s wishes.

Lino, Pascal and Athim playing football
If the weather is fine, they want to dye clothes, or set up a slackline. There will also be a chance to try out speed badminton. But even without the sun there is room to play football or hockey. They will be days when they cook together, and in case it does rain they have an awning to sit under and create something out of loom bands.
So what do the local residents think about it? The first ones dropped by on Monday. Some stay for a coffee, others make a donation for the project.
And those donations are needed, with the trailer in such a state, that they do not know if they will be able to use it next year. Any financial support for a new one would be welcome.
This article appeared in German on 28th August, 2014 in the Oberurseler Woche.