![The stage / catwalk at the "Jugendfläche Eschbachweg" this afternoon, with daytime temperatures finally reaching 20°C.](https://www.allthingsgerman.net/oberursel/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eschbachweg-01042021-560x354.png)
The stage / catwalk at the “Jugendfläche Eschbachweg” this afternoon, with daytime temperatures finally reaching 20°C.
![The stage / catwalk at the "Jugendfläche Eschbachweg" this afternoon, with daytime temperatures finally reaching 20°C.](https://www.allthingsgerman.net/oberursel/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/eschbachweg-01042021-560x354.png)
Prince Marcel I. at the town hall
Having successfully taken over the town hall last Saturday, Prince Marcel I. moved into the Mayor’s office on Thursday where he intends to run things until Ash Wednesday.
The photo shows him settling into the Mayor’s office with his pages Pia (left) and Natalie (right), Lord Stewart and Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, accompanied by the town’s treasurer Thorsten Schorr (left) and Alderman Christof Fink (right).
It’s carnival time!
The Rathaussturm when the carnival prince takes over the town hall took place on Saturday morning. Prince Marcel I. was accompanied by the KinderPrinzenPaar (Children’s prince and princess) Lara I. and Marc I. from the market place to the town hall, where he took over the key from Mayor Hans-Georg Brum:
(Click to enlarge)
Carollers at the town hall
Carol singers in German do not go from house to house before Christmas eve, they do it afterwards instead – specifically between 27th December and 6th January.
During this time, the so-called “Sternsinger”, organised by the local church and who are sometimes translated as “star boys”, go from house to house to collect for a particular good cause using the year’s motto and dressed as the Three Kings.
The money raised this year will mainly be going towards projects to help children in Peru. With the whole country taking part, it is not unusual to raise over €40 million.
Before they leave they write 20*C+M+B+19 on the door frame, the letters standing for “Christus mansionem benedicat”, or “God protect this house”. [Read more…]
Oberursel Christmas Market 2018 – The Opening
The Christmas Market in Oberursel was opened on Thursday, 29th November, 2018 by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, Town Treasurer Thorsten Schorr, along with Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I. and her Brunnenmeister Herbert.
Photos of the 10th Oberursel Feyerey
A collection of photos from the 10th Oberursel Feyerey on Saturday, 4th August, 2018. Click on the photos to enlarge them.
The Procession
The Opening Ceremony
The Water Guillotine
Other Photos
- Die Streuner
- The Jester
- Water Spray
- Jars of jam
Rheingau Wine Festival opened
The wine festival was opened this evening by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I and Rheingau Wine Princess Janine Helbig.
They were accompanied by dignitaries from Oberursel and Rushmoor.
Opening the wine festival (from left to right):
Gerd Krämer (Town Council Chairman)
Paul Shackley (Rushmoor)
Brunnenmeister Herbert
Brunnenkönigin Anna-Lena I.
Jil Steinhäuser
Andrea Engelmann (Rheingau)
Janine Helbig – Rheingauer Weinprinzessin
Mayor Hans-Georg Brum
Thorsten Schorr (Town Treasurer)
Andrea Einig-Homann
Joanne Wagstaffe (Rushmoor)
Frank Rust (Rushmoor)
Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I.
Anna-Lena Stenz was crowned Anna-Lena I. at a ceremony in the Stadthalle in Oberursel on Saturday, 14th April, 2018, when she took over the crown and sceptre from her predecessor, Ann-Kathrin I., making her Oberursel’s 40th fountain queen.
At her side is her father, Herbert, as the Brunnenmeister. Both belong to the carnival club Club Geselligkeit Humor Weißkirchen 1952 e.V.
The fact that they come from Weißkirchen is particularly fitting, as this part of the town is celebrating their 1200th anniversary this year. Their club is also 66 years old, a significant number in the carnival world where everything is counted in elevens.
Anna-Lena is 28 years old and has lived in the town since she was two years old. She took her A-Levels at Oberursel’s Grammar School and went on to study German and Religion at University in Frankfurt. She now works at the Hochtaunusschule in Oberursel.
In 2001 she was the town’s children’s princess during the carnival season, and spend her childhood dancing in the various carnival dance troupes.
Anna Lena I. is revealed to the audience
Anna-Lena I. with Herbert, Ann-Kathrin I. and other ex-Queens and visiting dignitaries
Thomas Poppitz told the story of Fountain Festivals at the beginning of the 1990s
Cheerleaders on the stage in the Stadthalle after the crowning ceremony