Rheingau Wine Festival opened

The wine festival was opened this evening by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, Fountain Queen Anna-Lena I and Rheingau Wine Princess Janine Helbig.

They were accompanied by dignitaries from Oberursel and Rushmoor.

The 18th Rheingau Wine Fest Opening

Opening the wine festival (from left to right):

Gerd Krämer (Town Council Chairman)
Paul Shackley (Rushmoor)
Brunnenmeister Herbert
Brunnenkönigin Anna-Lena I.
Jil Steinhäuser
Andrea Engelmann (Rheingau)
Janine Helbig – Rheingauer Weinprinzessin
Mayor Hans-Georg Brum
Thorsten Schorr (Town Treasurer)
Andrea Einig-Homann
Joanne Wagstaffe (Rushmoor)
Frank Rust (Rushmoor)

18th Rheingau Wine Festival

18th Rheingau Wine Festival

One weekend, two festivals, three Mayors

There have been some high-level changes recently at Oberursel’s twin towns.

In May, Councillor Sophia Choudhary was nominated to be the new Mayor of Rushmoor.  There the position, which is largely a representative role, is not elected directly but instead by the town council.  Not only is Councillor Choudhary the youngest Mayor the borough has ever seen, she is also the first female muslim Mayor that they have had.  She uses the title “Mayor”, and not “Mayoress”, joking that the latter is used by her sister Attika, who accompanies her on official engagements. [Read more…]

Rheingau Wine Festival

The wine festival was opened this evening by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

They were accompanied by wine dignitaries from the Rheingau area and from Oberursel’s twin towns Rushmoor and Lomonossow.

Opening the wine festival

Opening the wine festival on Friday, 4th August, 2017.  From left to right are:

Andrew Lloyd, Paul Shackley (Borough Council Chief Executive) and Sophia Choudhary (Mayor) from Rushmoor

Alexander Korneev (Council Chairman) from Lomonossow

Thorsten Schorr (Town Treasurer) and Gerd Krämer (Council Chairman) from Oberursel

Sophie Egert, Oestrich Wine Queen

Oberursel Mayor Hans-Georg Brum

Valerie Gorgus, Hattenheim Wine Princess

Brunnenmeister Rainer

Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

Sophie Egert - Rainer Böhrig - Ann-Kathrin I. - Valerie Gorgus

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