Even in the rain the woods can be fun

The Waldfest in Oberursel traditionally takes place on the last Saturday of the school holidays, which in this year fell on the 12th of August.  Regular visitors will have found lots of familiar faces and activities from previous years.  Bernd Peppler and Liisa Inkinen were there with their birds of prey “Ukko” the eagle owl and “Pekko” the harris hawk.  There were stands to learn about bees, and nature quiz and of course the pond observations.  There were guided tours through the woods, as well as coffee, cakes, salads and the barbeque.

But there were also a lot of new things, starting with the opening at 12 noon which was carried out this year by the vice-chairman of the Schulwald supporters: Thorsten Schorr, who explained to the guests what other new things they could expect. [Read more…]

Photos of the 9th Oberursel Feyerey

A collection of photos from the 9th Oberursel Feyerey on Saturday, 5th August, 2017. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Rheingau Wine Festival

The wine festival was opened this evening by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

They were accompanied by wine dignitaries from the Rheingau area and from Oberursel’s twin towns Rushmoor and Lomonossow.

Opening the wine festival

Opening the wine festival on Friday, 4th August, 2017.  From left to right are:

Andrew Lloyd, Paul Shackley (Borough Council Chief Executive) and Sophia Choudhary (Mayor) from Rushmoor

Alexander Korneev (Council Chairman) from Lomonossow

Thorsten Schorr (Town Treasurer) and Gerd Krämer (Council Chairman) from Oberursel

Sophie Egert, Oestrich Wine Queen

Oberursel Mayor Hans-Georg Brum

Valerie Gorgus, Hattenheim Wine Princess

Brunnenmeister Rainer

Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

Sophie Egert - Rainer Böhrig - Ann-Kathrin I. - Valerie Gorgus

The Mouse in the Maize Maze

The Maize Maze opened its doors for the 15th year last weekend, with a motive that will particularly please younger fans.  The 3½ hectare maze belonging to the Bickert family contains signs for them to look out for with pictures of characters from the children’s programme “Die Sendung mit der Maus” on them.  And there is something to win as well. [Read more…]

Saturday Afternoon at the Fountain Festival

Ann-Kathrin I. and Rainer at the Kindermeile on Saturday, 10th June, 2017

Ann-Kathrin I. and Rainer at the Kindermeile on Saturday, 10th June, 2017

The Skipper in front of St.Ursula's Tower

The “Skipper” in front of St.Ursula’s Church Tower

The Break-Dancer

The “Break-Dancer” on the Bleiche

The view from the big wheel

The view from the big wheel

Äppelparkbrunnen inaugurated

This morning, Saturday, 10th June, 2017, the Äppelparkbrunnen in Oberstedten, opposite the new Rewe supermarket, was inaugurated by Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I. and her Brunnenmeister Rainer, who were accompanied by a number of their predecessors.

Ann-Kathrin I. and Rainer inaugurating the Äppelparkbrunnen in Oberstedten on Saturday, 10th June, 2017

Ann-Kathrin I. and Rainer inaugurating the Äppelparkbrunnen in Oberstedten on Saturday, 10th June, 2017

The Äppelparkbrunnen in Oberstedten on Saturday, 10th June, 2017

The Brunnenfest has started

The 2017 Brunnenfest was officially opened by Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I., her Brunnenmeister Rainer, and Mayor Hans-Georg Brum this evening:

Ann-Kathrin opening the Brunnenfest on Friday, 9th June, 2017

This weekend is Brunnenfest

This weekend sees one of the largest festivals in Oberursel take place – the fountain festival or Brunnenfest.

The event kicks off on Friday evening at 5.30pm with  an open-air church service at the Marktplatz followed by the official opening with Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

Other highlights include the inauguration of the new “Äppelpark” Fountain on Saturday morning in Oberstedten (opposite the new Rewe)  at 11am and the 5, 10 and 21.1km festival runs on Sunday morning at 10am.

For children up to the age of 10 the Kindermeile will be in the Obere Hainstraße on Saturday between 3pm and 6pm and the annual duck race on the Urselbach will be held on Sunday at 3pm with tickets being sold on Saturday in the Weidengasse.

Saturday evening there will also be a talent show for the town’s youth to show what they can do from 5pm until 7pm.  The show is aptly named “Kickfactor: … and what can you do?”

A children’s disco with face painting is being held in the Ackergasse on Sunday starting at 2pm.

The fun fair is in its usual place on the Bleiche car park as is the craft market in front of the town hall, with the closing fireworks taking place at 10.30pm on Monday evening. [Read more…]

Ann-Kathrin I. and 20 years of Hof Kofler

With Hof Kofler celebrating their 20th anniversary last week, it was only fitting that one of the daughters of the house, Ann-Kathrin – who is currently the Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I. – should pay a visit with her Brunnenmeister Rainer:

Ann-Kathrin I. and Rainer amongst the flowers at Hof Kofler on Saturday, 6th May, 2017

Ann-Kathrin I. is the new Fountain Queen

Oberursel’s new Fountain Queen (Brunnenkönigin) is Ann-Kathrin I., who was crowned along with her Brunnenmeister Rainer at a ceremony in Oberursel’s Stadthalle on 1st April, 2017.

Ann-Kathrin I., who normally goes by the name of Ann-Katrin Kofler, is 24 years old and lives in Oberstedten and works as a surveyor.  Rainer Böhrig is 64 years old and a retired post office official.

The fact that she comes from Oberstedten is particularly relevant this year,  [Read more…]

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