The annual Herbsttreiben weekend in Oberursel is being held between the 15th and 17th of September, 2017.
On these days, a handicraft market will take place on the Epinayplatz and in the Kumeliusstraße, cider will be sold on the Marktplatz at the “Ebbelwoi-Vertestigung”, whilst stalls selling French wares will be on the car park behind the Stadthalle.
Sunday, 17th September is “verkaufsoffen” and many of the shops in the town centre will be open during the afternoon.
Weekly market moved
As the Marktplatz is not available, the weekly market will be held on the car park next to the Rathausplatz and in the Hospitalstraße on Saturday, 16th September.
Road closures
The Untere Marktplatzstraße will be closed from Thursday 14th until Sunday 17th.
The Eppsteiner Straße (from the Ackergasse), Weidengasse, Marktplatz, Wiederholtstraße, Hospitalstraße and Unterer Hainstraße will be closed from Friday 15th until Sunday 17th.
Parking restrictions
It will not be possible to park in the following streets:
Thursday to Sunday: Marktplatz, Untere Marktplatzstraße, Wiederholtstraße and part of the Ackergasse.
Friday to Sunday: Eppsteiner Straße (next to the library).
On Saturday the outdoor car park at the town hall with be closed.
Additional restrictions will apply on Friday and Saturday between 6am and 12 noon in the Eppsteiner Straße, Holzweg, and Kumeliusstraße.
Bus routes 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 will be diverted to avoid the Markplatz and Epinayplatz.
Car Parks
The car parks in the town will be open until 1am.