Recipients of the Citizens’ Medal 2012

Council Chairman Dr. Christoph Müllerleile and Mayor Hans-Georg Brum with Inge and Dr. Eberhard Laeuen, Manfred Kopp, Treasurer Thorsten Schorr and Alderman Christof Fink

Council Chairman Dr. Christoph Müllerleile and Mayor Hans-Georg Brum with Inge and Dr. Eberhard Laeuen, Manfred Kopp, Treasurer Thorsten Schorr and Alderman Christof Fink

The citizens’ medals 2012 were awarded to:

1. Manfred Kopp for his work as a local historian, which includes putting together the archive of documents about Camp King, 1933-1993.  The archive is due to be re-located to its new permanent home in the “Kinderhaus”, previously known as “House Florida”.  Since 2003 he has also been responsible for training the town guides (“Stadtführer”) and he himself offers several tours of the Camp King area each year.

2. Inge and Dr. Eberhard Laeuen, who were among the initiators of the working group “Nie wieder 1933” (never again 1933), which was set up in 1981 to research and document the crimes that took place during the Nazi period in Oberursel.  They were also among the initiators of the “Initiative Opferdenkmal e.V.” (victims’ memorial) foundation in 2008, whose aim is to create a lasting memorial for the victims of the National Socialist regime who came from the town.

They received their medals during the Bürgerempfang in November 2012.


About Graham Tappenden

Graham Tappenden is a British ex-pat who first came to Oberursel in 1993 and returned with his family to live there in 2003. He has been writing for since 2006. When not writing blog posts or freelancing for the Oberurseler Woche he works as a self-employed IT consultant solving computer problems and designing websites. In 2016 he gained German citizenship.

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