Last Monday (25th November, 2013) saw the ground-breaking ceremony take place for a new garden centre, set to open mid-2014 in the “Drei Hasen” area of Oberursel.
Pflanzen Mauk is a family-run business which currently has six garden centres in the state of Baden-Wüttemberg with 250 employees. Now they are set to expand into Hessen.
The centre will have 7,000m² of space, selling 4,000m² of plants, 1,000m² of garden furniture, with the rest for hardware, decorations and gift articles.
The first floor will also house a bistro.
With round 60 new jobs being created, the company are eager to point out that their sales staff are qualified gardeners. Many of the plants on sale will have been grown at their own nursery in Lauffen.
They are also on the way to being as energy efficient as possible. The 16,000m² of glass panels are triple glazed, the lighting will be supplied by LED lights, the roof will have solar panels on it and the plants are kept warm by under-floor heating.
The building will be one of the first that many people see when they enter the town coming from Bad Homburg or the A661 motorway.
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