Archives for August 2015

Tuesday night cinema at Bluebox Portstraße

Cinema Reel - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / AnatolyMTuesday night is film night at Bluebox Portstraße, located near the U-Bahn stop “Altstadt”.

As the organisation is not a commercial cinema, they are not allowed to advertise which film will be shown in advance. For Tuesday, 1st September, 2015, we are told that it will be a “tragic comedy”. If you do want to know which film will be shown then call 06171 636930 and they will tell you.

The showing starts at 9pm.

Film Festival in Rushmoor Park

Cinema Reel - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / AnatolyMA Film Festival will be held as part of the “Orscheler Sommer” series of events on Saturday, 29th August, 2015 at 8pm in Rushmoor Park.


Magic on Tuesday evening

As part of the Orscheler Sommer series of events a group of magicians will be performing in the Rushmoor Park on Tuesday, 25th August, 2015 at 7.30pm.

Their act includes a mixture of comedy, hypnosis, magic and music.

Entry is free.

Irene Peinelt – 90th Birthday

Happy Birthday - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / flamingoladyCongratulations to Frau Irene Peinelt in Stierstadt who is 90 years old today.

Emma Günther – 100th Birthday

Happy Birthday - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / flamingoladyCongratulations to Frau Emma Günther in Oberursel who is 100 years old today.

Musical Breakfast at the Museum

Blue musical notes - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / OrsonAs part of the Orscheler Sommer series of events, a musical breakfast “Frühschoppen” is being held in the courtyard of the Vortaunusmuseum on Sunday, 23rd August, 2015 at 11am.

The music is being provided by “Dazz Trio”.

Entry is free.

Stammtisch at the Seniorentreff

Coffee and Dougnuts - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / FatseyevaThe Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be holding a Stammtisch on Friday, 21st August, 2015 between 5pm and 8.30pm in the “Altes Hospital” (Hospitalstraße 9).

The Stammtisch is a place to discuss anything and everything that those attending wish to.

A charge of €7 per person will be made to cover the cost of food and drink and due to the limited number of places reservation by telephone (06171 585333) is requested.

Bingo at the Seniorentreff

Bingo - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / iofotoThe Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be offering an afternoon of Bingo on Thursday, 20th August, 2015 between 2.30pm and 4.30pm in the “Altes Hospital” (Hospitalstraße 9).

Anyone who is interested is invited to come along and try their luck!

Energy saving advice

Energy Saving Calculator - © Verbraucherzentrale (consumers’ association) will be offering individual energy saving consultations in the Rathaus in Oberursel on Thursday, 20th August 2015.

Appointments cost €5 for 30 minutes, and €2.50 for each 15 minutes after that. They need to be arranged in advance by calling 06171 502-310.


3,000 step walk for senior citizens

Group of Senior Citizens walking - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / micropixThe Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be offering a 3,000 step walk on Wednesday, 19th August 2015.

To take part, be at the Christuskirche in the Oberhöchstädter Straße at 3pm.

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