Due to permanent way work on the line the U3 will be terminating in Frankfurt at Heddernheim this weekend.
Between Good Friday (14th April) and Easter Monday (17th April), the U-Bahn trains will be replaced by buses in Frankfurt between Miquel-/Adickesallee and Südbahnhof.
The U3 will terminate at Heddernheim, from where U1 and U2 trains will continue to Miquel-/Adickesallee. The U8 will not be running, but there will be an increased service on the U9 line.
The buses are unable to stop directly at Hauptwache, with the replacement bus stops at Goethestraße travelling south and Neue Mainzer Straße travelling north.
The S-Bahn line S5 also connects Oberursel with the Hauptwache and is not affected by the changes.