Excellent A-Level results at the Waldorf school

The Freie Waldorfschule Vordertaunus in Oberursel have announced that all 19 of their A-Level candidates have passed their exams this year.

It is the 8th year that students from the school have been able to take A-Levels, and the successful candidates are now have the “Allgemeine Hochschulreife” status meaning that they can study a range of subjects at university.

The subjects available were English, Biology, Geography, History, German, Mathematics, Politics, Economics, Art and Russian.

A-Level students from the Waldorf school in Oberursel 2012

Congratulations go to: Philipp Bouton, Deborah Detka, Nikolai Fischer, Tim Giehl, Fabian Keiling, Fabio Kempf, Natalie Kramer, Philipp Krautwig, Viktoria Kowarzik, Kamilla Kusmierska, Malene Lißmeier, Yannik Markhof, Mirjam Nebel, Lukas Racky, Nina-Helene Renk, Lesley-Patrick Schilling, Frederick Tegel, Elaine Tack and Florian Voss.

They reached an average score 0f 2.49.


Oberursel college students visited Rushmoor

College students from Oberursel visited the twin “town” (borough to be precise) of Rushmoor recently, where they met Councillor Alex Crawford, the mayor.

A report on what they learnt about local government in the United Kingdom can be found on the Mayor of Rushmoor’s Blog.

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