Discuss the future of the station area

There will be a chance to discuss the future of the station area, the “Bahnhofsareal”, with other citizens of Oberursel on Wednesday, 4th December, 2013 at 7pm in the town hall (Rathaus) where a “Bürgerdialog” is being held.

The area concerned stretches from the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” to the end of the Nassauer Straße which may later join up with the “Weingärtenumgehung”.

During the evening the town’s administration will be informing the people of Oberursel about the current concept for the flow of traffic in the area and giving them a chance to put forward their own opinions about it.

For background information, read the article on this website “The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel”.  There is also an on-line discussion forum (in German) on BrunnenTreff.

Discuss the future of the station area

There will be a chance to discuss the future of the station area, the “Bahnhofsareal”, with other citizens of Oberursel on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2013 at 7pm in the Stadthalle where a “Bürgerversammlung” is being held.

The area concerned stretches from the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” to the end of the Nassauer Straße which may later join up with the “Weingärtenumgehung”.

During the evening the town’s administration will be informing the people of Oberursel about the current concept for the flow of traffic in the area and giving them a chance to put forward their own opinions about it.

For background information, read the article on this website “The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel”.  There is also an on-line discussion forum (in German) on BrunnenTreff.

Discuss the future of the station area

There will be a chance to discuss the future of the station area, the “Bahnhofsareal”, with other citizens of Oberursel on Tuesday, 16th April, 2013 at 8pm in “Zum Schwanen” which is at Hollerberg 7 in the old part of the town.

The area concerned stretches from the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” to the end of the Nassauer Straße which may later join up with the “Weingärtenumgehung”.

For background information, read the article on this website “The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel”.  There is also an on-line discussion forum (in German) on BrunnenTreff.

The tale of the Ausziehgleis and the Pförtnerampel

One of the most hotly discussed topics in Oberursel this month must surely be the re-development of an area called the “Bahnhofsareal”.  Roughly speaking, that is the area between the flyover at the “Drei Hasen” where the Homburger Landstraße meets the Nassauer Straße, and the other end of the Nassauer Straße where it almost – but not quite – joins up with the Weingärtenumgehung.  Not quite, unless you include the temporary road that was put in place for the Hessentag to give residents access to the area.

In the middle of this area is the newly restored station, hence the term “Bahnhofsareal” – the area around the station.

The future of that area is not just being discussed now, it has been a topic of discussion and in the town council for the past 25 years, as Councillor Dr. Eggert Winter of the SPD reminded councillors last week before launching into a blow-by-blow account of the various plans that had been on the cards in that time, including plans for a tunnel under the area and closing the level crossing at the end of the Adenauerallee, and a new station combining both S-Bahn and U-Bahn tracks.

“It is good in part when things take longer, because sometimes you notice that the things that you have decided upon are not good”, he said. [Read more…]

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