“That’s a lot of money” commented Bardo K. as he saw the cheque for the first time.
The cheque in question was a donation from the Lions Club Bad Homburg-Weißer Turm to the charity “Natur und Psychomotorik e.V.” in Oberstedten for €4,367.20 who were holding an open day on their piece of land located in the woods outside of the town.
But if the Lions Club were on their side, the weather certainly was not. After several days of sunshine it started to rain just hours before the open day was due to start, with the heavens opening as it got underway.
However that did not deter the parents and children who use the facility from turning up with cakes, muffins and other snacks to spend an afternoon surrounded by nature. Even if they did spend a good part of it sheltering under the roof of the hut in the middle of the grounds.

Handing over a cheque from the Lions Club: President Peter Foeller with Manuela Deuss and Heike Mohr (left), Stephanie Krüger (right) and Bardo K. (centre)
The charity offers weekly groups and also themed days for children aged between 5 and 13 with social integration problems, AD(H)S, hyperactivity, late developers, and children who have problems with their motor skills, by offering them a place to play and a chance to get out into the woods. They are then accompanied by trained educationalists with one adult per six children.
Luckily the rain stopped just long enough for the president of the Lions Club, Peter Foeller, to present the cheque and explain how the strange amount came about. The club had promised to double all of the donations that the charity received during 2012, a total of €2,867.20. They then added a further €1,500 to make the grand total of €4,346.20.
With part of that money they intend to replace part of the roof that extends out past the hut, and it is not the first time that the Lions Club has helped them in this way. The hut itself was built using money from a previous donation several years ago.
Further details about Natur und Psychomotorik e.V. (in German) and details of their bank account to send donations to can be found on www.nupev.de.