The Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be offering an afternoon of Bingo on Thursday, 16th October, 2014 between 2.30pm and 4.30pm in the “Altes Hospital” (Hospitalstraße 9).
Anyone who is interested is invited to come along and try their luck! Oberursel
The latest news in English from Oberursel in the Taunus area of Germany.
The Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be offering an afternoon of Bingo on Thursday, 16th October, 2014 between 2.30pm and 4.30pm in the “Altes Hospital” (Hospitalstraße 9).
Anyone who is interested is invited to come along and try their luck!
Once a month the Bluebox Portstraße holds a Sunday morning breakfast buffet in their cinema.
As the organisation is not a commercial cinema, they are not allowed to advertise which film will be shown in advance. For Sunday, 19th October, 2014, we are told that it will be a “tragic comedy”. If you do want to know which film will be shown or to reserve tickets call 06171 636930.
The showing starts at 11.30am and they are located opposite the U-Bahn stop “Altstadt”.
The musikhalle portstrasse is holding a “Friday night Jam Session” on Friday, 17th October, 2014 at 8pm.
Entry is free.
The “musikhalle” is located opposite the U-Bahn station “Altstadt” on the U3 line.
Tuesday night is film night at Bluebox Portstraße, located near the U-Bahn stop “Altstadt”.
As the organisation is not a commercial cinema, they are not allowed to advertise which film will be shown in advance. For Tuesday, 14th October, 2014, we are told that it will be a drama. If you do want to know which film will be shown then call 06171 636930 and they will tell you.
The showing starts at 9pm.
The Seniorentreff in Oberursel will be holding a Stammtisch on Friday, 17th October, 2014 between 5pm and 8.30pm in the “Altes Hospital” (Hospitalstraße 9).
The Stammtisch is a place to discuss anything and everything that those attending wish to.
A charge of €7 per person will be made to cover the cost of food and drink.
A 3,000 step walk for senior citizens is taking place in Stierstadt on Tuesday, 14th October, 2014.
To take part, be at the bus stop “Altes Rathaus” in Stierstadt at 3pm.
A 22-year-old man from Oberursel visited the local police station at around 6.20pm on Wednesday, 8th October in a Volkswagen car. He went there with the intent to file charges against someone. But during the course of the conversation with the officers, they had reason to believe that he was under the influence of drugs. Blood and urine samples were taken and an investigation was launched.
Afterwards the man asked his brother to come and collect him from the police station. But when his brother arrived in a Fiat car at around 8.10pm, he apparently also showed signs of having taken drugs. He too was required to give samples and may also face charges himself.
At the recent autumn fair in Oberursel, the bosses of the local craftsmen came up with an interesting competition. On Satuday evening (20th September, 2014), they lined up to see who could hammer a nail into a block of wood using the least blows.
The line up of those taking part including a number of people who, although themselves may not be seen in public that often, their names are a common and well-known sight on the side of vans in the town.
The participants of the nail-hitting contest
Some of those taking part needed only three blows to get the nail in properly, others took up to 26.
After the initial round of hitting the names in “normally”, the top four entered a second round using the reverse side of the hammer – the one normally used for taking nails back out again. Dirk Velte, Sven Gottschalk, Gerd Bansa and Martin Henrich had each only needed exactly three blows for their nails.
Gerd Bansa preparing to start the second round
Taking it in turns in the second round, it was Gerd Bansa, who has an interior decorating business, whose nail was first into the wooden block properly.
Police were called to attend three different road traffic accidents on Monday, 6th October, 2014 in Oberursel.
The first occured at around 2pm on Monday afternoon when an 11-year-old girl stepped out without warning in front of a bus at a bus stop in the Zimmersmühlenweg. She was hit by a Ford Fiesta travelling towards Stierstadt and slightly injured.
The next accident was just before 4.30pm on the Nassauer Straße. The 44-year-old driver of an Audi was hit from behind by a VW Polo being driven by a 87-year-old. The Audi driver had braked due to the traffic in front. They sustained light injuries and the damage to the cars was estimated at €2,300.
Finally at 8.45pm, back in the Zimmersmühlenweg the 32-year-old driver of an Audi A5 travelling towards Stierstadt tried to turn around on the main road, at which point they were hit by the car behind them, an Opel being driving by a 19-year-old. The damage here is estimated at €7,400.
Contrasts – or “Kontraste” – is the subject of an exhibition currently on show at Oberursel’s library containing photographs by members of the Photo-Cirkel club.
At the opening of the exhibition on Saturday, 27th September, 2014, their chairman Günter Albrecht explained that the topic had been chosen at the beginning of the year, although interestingly some of the photographs on show were actually taken several years ago.
The 11 photographers have interpreted the word “contrasts” in different ways. Some have taken the more literal approach of contrasting colours, whilst others are more subtle and have contrasting motives. A steam train is pictured next to an Inter-City-Express. A woman in traditional Latin American clothes can be seen operating a modern payment system. And a flash sports car features in one photograph next to a guard in a colonial uniform.
On display are photographs by Dr. Manfred Bick, Carrie Haub, Friderun Heil, Hartmut Kullmann, Brigitte Lehman, Christa Schwermann, Reinhart Stoll, Christian J. Weill, Berthold Schinke, Marlene Bode and Günter Albrecht himself.
Hartmut Kullmann in front of his photograph ‘Turmbau’
The chairman of the Kulturkreis Lothar M. Wachter commented on the choice of topic, saying that it was an interesting choice for a photographic exhibition, and pointed out his favourites from each of the photographers. His overall favourite was one called “Turmbau” by Hartmut Kullmann which shows the a scaffolding tower being built for a rock concert in Vinczea in 2006.
Alderman Christof Fink, representing the town’s Mayor, said that the town was glad to have the Photo-Cirkel and commented on the high quality of the photographs on show.
The exihibtion can be seen during the library’s opening times until Friday, 10th October, 2014.
I am a freelance writer and photographer for the Oberurseler Woche in Germany. If you see an article or photo with (gt) against it – then it’s from me!
The Oberurseler Forum is a Facebook group that I run of which there is also an English language version.
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