Congratulations to Ursula and Helmut Ernst in Oberursel who are celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary today!
A Petition for the Yang Family
The Yang family live in Stierstadt, one of the suburbs of Oberursel. For the past two weeks their story has hardly been out of the local newspapers, and at the last meeting of the Ausländerbeirat on Monday, 25th November, 2013, two representatives from Amnesty International came along to explain what it is all about.
The story begins 10 years ago when Mr. Yang came to Germany from China without a visa, but as an asylum seeker. Mrs. Yang – at the time no relation – came later by foot! She also applied for asylum, claiming that her family was discriminated against at home because her parents had had more than one child.
Their asylum applications were turned down, but as they did not have sufficient identification on them to travel back, their presence in Germany was tolerated – “geduldet”. [Read more…]