Police in Oberursel are trying to find out who climbed onto the roof of the Feldbergschule sometime between 11am on Thursday, 31st May (Fronleichnam) and Friday, 1st June, 2018.
Two windows were smashed in the incident, causing €1,000 of damage.
Anyone with information is asked to call 06171 62400.
Windows smashed at school on bank holiday
New fountain vandalised again
Only last week was the new “Äppelparkbrunnen” in Oberstedten vandalised, with the apple being removed from the top.
At the weekend a new metal apple was added just in time for Oberstedten’s 1200th anniversary celebrations, but by Sunday morning (16th July, 2017) this too had been stolen. This time the pin with the thread that the apple screws onto has disappeared as well.
New fountain vandalised
The new “Äppelparkbrunnen” in Oberstedten has been vandalised, just days before that part of the town was set to celebrate it’s 1,200th anniversary.
As the photo shows, someone has removed the apple from the top of the fountain:
Vandalism at allotments
Allotments in the Ebertstraße in Oberursel were broken into sometime between 10pm on Wednesday and 10am on Thursday, 6th July, 2017.
According to police, five sheds were broken into and over a thousand Euros of damage caused by white paint that the thieves sprayed.
It is not yet clear how much was stolen.
Anyone with information is asked to call Oberursel police on 06171 62400.
Vandalism at the Deschauer Park
On Monday evening (30th March, 2015), a group of youths were seen damaging a fence in part of the “Deschauer Park”. Around the same time the police received calls about four young people in the Füllerstraße, near the “Deschauer Park”, who had damaged a parked car.
It was later discovered that around 8m of wire-mesh fence on the Körnerstraße side of the park had been damaged, including one of the fence posts, and a number of glass bottles had been thrown against a wooden house on the playground in the park.
A parked VW Polo had had one of its wing mirrors kicked off.
The damage in the park is estimated at €1,500, the damage to the car at €600.
Two police teams found three of the suspects and followed them a short distance on foot before arresting them. The 16 and 17 year olds were under the influence of alcohol, and after questioning they were handed over to their parents. The police are continuing with their enquiries.