The Rotary Club in Oberursel has donated a new book swapping cabinet, similar to the one at the Feldbergschule, except that this time it is not a red telephone box.
The cabinet is located in the Camp-King-Allee at the corner of the Elvis-Presley-Weg.
Book swapping cabinet in Camp King
Eschborn-Frankfurt Cycle Race – Elite pass Camp King
The Elite group pass Camp-King-Allee on the Hohemarkstraße during the cycle race “Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt” on Wednesday, 1st May, 2013.
(Click to enlarge)
Thefts at the bulding site and the chemist
Over the weekend of 8th-11th March, 2013, around 600 litres of diesel was stolen from the tanks of two vehicles at a building site in the Karl-Herrmann-Flach-Straße. Police do not know how the thieves managed to transport this amount of fuel and are asking for anyone who can help with the enquiry to call 06171 62400.
On the same weekend thieves broke into a chemist shop in Camp-King-Allee between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning. They forced the door open and entered both the shop floor area and the store, although it appears they did not take anything. The damage is estimated at €1,500.
A tour of Camp King
On Saturday, 25th August, 2012 there will be a tour of the area in Oberursel known as “Camp King” with local historian Manfred Kopp.
The tour covers the history of the area from the Reichssiedlungshof in the 1930s, through the time of the Dulag Luft up to the end of the U.S. Army presence in the town.
The meeting point is the corner of Elvis-Presley-Weg and Camp-King-Allee at 2pm, and the tour costs 3EUR.
This is an interesting opportunity for local residents to learn more about the history of the area that they live in.
[highlight color=”blue”] The nearest U-Bahn station is “Kupferhammer”. [/highlight]