Could the new Sauna be replaced by a Kindergarten?

Of the many problems facing the politicians in Oberursel, two have been recurring topics at council meetings in the past year.  The cost of building a new swimming pool and the need for more kindergarten places, especially at the northern end of the town.

Add to this the dilemma of the budget for 2013 being approved but with some restrictions in place, and – as treasurer Thorsten Schorr put it – “There can be no more discussion about building projects for services provided on a voluntary basis”.

So what does that mean for the proposed sauna at the new swimming pool?  The current plans for the new building include an area for a sauna, but only the walls, a temporary roof and possibly the utilities will be put in place.  It was then planned to actually fit out the rooms at a later stage. [Read more…]

OBG says sauna would pose a risk for the town’s finances

Local political group the OBG do not belive that adding a sauna to the new indoor swimming pool would make financial sense, as they claim it would cost more to build and run than it would make in revenue.  In fact, the leader of their parliamentary group Georg Braun says that this has been clear to them since the summer of 2011.

According to an expert opinion, the income from a sauna would cover the running costs, but not when the cost of building it is added to the equation.  Georg Braun was quoted as asking “What use would the higher revenue be, if the investment costs are not covered?”

The OBG went into the pedestrian area of the town on Saturday morning, and reported that in many of their conversations with passers-by the people of the town are confused by what they call the “half truths” of the sauna supporters.  They also warn that if the sauna were to make a loss, then the taxpayer would have to pick up the bill. [Read more…]

Can Oberursel afford to build a new swimming pool?

The indoor swimming pool in Oberursel has now been closed for four years and is now probably one of the most discussed topics amongst the people and in particular the politicians in the town.

Last week it was on the agenda of the planning and environmental committee at the town hall, this week there is a Bürgerversammlung to update everyone on the current state of the planning and to allow people to put forward their views.  Next week the town council is due to vote on the project.  And various Bebauungspläne have been amended to allow for land to be sold off and built on to finance it all.

But it is the financial situation that remains the biggest question of all: can the town afford it? [Read more…]

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