For the past three years, I have been following the restoration work of the memorial to those from Oberursel who died in the First World War: The Ehrenmal. The war memorial, which stands next to the Christuskirche at the crossing of the Oberhöchstadter Straße and the Füllerstraße, was badly in need of restoration when the Hessentag took place in the town, but now, thanks to the donations of not only the town itself but many private families, once again is glittering in the evening sunset. With the mosaic pieces returned to the column and the column itself now stabilised, it was a solumn ceremony that took place on Wednesday, 23rd July, 2014 to commemorate the war dead and officialy re-dedicate the memorial. [Read more…]
The mosaic has returned to the Ehrenmal
The “Ehrenmal” – the memorial to those from Oberursel who died in the First World War – has now had part of its mosaic uncovered and the sphere returned.
The lower part of the mosaic is still being restored.

The Ehrenmal on Wednesday, 29th January, 2014
See also:
The Ehrenmal – almost finished
€2,500 for the Ehrenmal restoration project
More than 2,500 Euro were raised on “Volkstrauertag” – the German equivalent of Remembrance Sunday – by a concert held in the Christuskirche Church to support the restoration of the “Ehrenmal” – the war memorial dedicated to those from Oberursel who lost their lives in the First World War.
Before the concert got underway, the manager of the Ursella-Foundation, Dr. Justus Förschner, explained the current state of the monument, which has been stabilised by filling the hollow base and column with cement. He also went into detail of why it will take some time for the pieces of the mosaic to be re-applied, work that is to be undertaken by a special company from Eppstein (Matthias Steyer). He believes that the work will be finished by the spring of next year. [Read more…]
Saving the Ehrenmal and Remembering Oberursel’s War Dead
Benefit concert for the Ehrenmal
There will be a benefit concert held at the Christkirche in the Oberhöchstädter Straße on Sunday, 3rd April, 2011 at 5pm.
Entrance is free, but those attending are asked to make a donation which will be used to renovate the “Ehrenmal” – a monument dedicated to those from Oberursel who died in the First World War.
The music is being provided by students from Oberursel’s Musikschule and Volkshochschule.