From the town council… dog tax, library fees, changing rooms and icebergs

This week saw the town council in Oberursel sit for the last time in 2012.

With major topics such as the new swimming pool, the budget, childcare costs, and even the station kiosk dealt with previously, this could have been a sitting to tidy up loose ends, and in many ways it was.  Except that all of those topics managed to come up again, the latter without even being remotely on the agenda.

At the beginning, the question and answer session revealed that although dogs are required to wear a dog tag to show that the tax for them has been paid, this is not checked unless there is a problem with dogs fouling a particular area.

We learnt of the confusion over the annual cycle races on 1st May, one of which the town is listed as a sponsor for, although the money comes from other sponsors that the town finds.  Sub-sponsors if you like.  It does not come out of the town budget. [Read more…]

Cable theft at the swimming pool building site

Electricty cable worth around €12,000 was taken at some point during last weekend from the building site at the swimming pool.

The thieves opened the building site fence to gain access to the grounds, where they took 77m of loose cable and removed a further 237m of cable that had already been installed.

Police believe they must have transported the cable in a motor vehicle or a trailer.


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