Car thieves caught on Good Friday

Three car thieves met their match on Good Friday when they forced their way into a Honda Civic on the Hohemarkstraße and made off with the vehicle.

A witness who saw the crime take place called the police who sent a patrol car to investigate.  The car which was presumed to be stolen was still travelling along the Hohemarkstraße and the police officers signalled to the driver to stop.

However not only did car fail to stop, a high-speed chase ensued through the centre of Oberursel, even through parts of the old town and the pedestrian precinct.  It was only when the car came to the dead-end at the end of the Aumühlenstraße that the three men left the car and ran off towards the “Weingärtenumgehung” (by-pass).

One of the men was caught by police after 150 metres and was arrested despite his resistance.  The other two men were caught a short time later in the area.  All three are of Eastern European original and are now in custody.

Meanwhile police are trying to find out if they can be linked to other car thefts in the area.


Drunk driver injured in Weißkirchen

The 26-year-old driver of a Ford Cougar was travelling along the Kurmainzer Straße last Thursday night (7th March, 2013), when his car came off the road and hit a Honda Civic.

The driver, who police describe as being drunk, was slightly injured.  Police confiscated his driving license and took a blood sample.

Both cars were damaged considerably, with the damage estimated at €5,500.


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