The “Theater im Park” team have been given the use of a car for the next four months to use in preparation for the forthcoming season by their sponsor “Autohaus Marnet”.
The car was handed over at the Rathausplatz on Monday, 4th June, 2018 and will relieve pressure on the normal town hall car pool.
A car for Theater im Park
Car damaged in the Holzweg
A white Daimler Benz parked in the Holzweg facing towards the Eppsteiner Straße was damaged on Monday, 24th October, 2016 between 11am and 12 noon. When the owner returned the vehicle he noticed damage to the front of the car. According to police the person who caused the damage left the scene of the accident without carrying out the duty which is required of them (ie. staying to inform the driver of the damaged car or notifying police).
Witnesses are asked to call Oberursel’s police station on 06171 62400.
Car hit lorry in the Füllerstraße – witnesses sought
A lorry was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green in order to turn from the Füllerstraße into the Oberhöchstadter Straße on Friday, 20th September, 2013 at around 8am, when a car turned left from the Oberhöchstadter Straße into the Füllerstraße, scraping the side of the lorry.
The car drove off and police are now looking for witnesses who should call them on 06171 62400. The damage to the lorry is estimated at €200.
Speed checks on the Kanonenstraße
The police in Oberursel (Ordnungspolizei) carried out speed checks on the Kanonenstraße towards the Feldberg on Wednesday evening last week (4th September, 2013).
Between 6.10pm and 8.10pm they measured the speed of 862 vehicles on a stretch of the road where a speed limit of 80km/h is in place.
19 of those measured were travelling too fast, with one motorcycle travelling at 127km/h. The driver faces a €160 fine, 3 points on their license, and a one month driving ban.
Collision between car and U-Bahn
Last Wednesday (21st August, 2013) there was a collision between a car and a U-Bahn at the level crossing on the corner of the Nassauer Straße and Berliner Straße.
According to police the 81-year-old driver of a Mercedes ignored a red traffic light and drove onto the crossing. The driver of the U-Bahn made an emergency stop, but the train still hit the car on the crossing although no-one was injured.
The fire brigade were called to clear the debris from the crossing, but trains were running again a short time later.
The damage is estimated at around €50,000.
Car scratched – police looking for witnesses
Early on Thursday morning (20th June, 2013), a car parked in “Am Hang” was scratched by a passing cyclist or motorcyclist. As yet police are unsure what caused the scratch exactly, but around €2,000 of damage was caused to the car.
Whoever is responsible left the scene without notifying the owner of the car and police in Oberursel are asking witnesses to call them on 06171 62400.
Car thieves caught on Good Friday
Three car thieves met their match on Good Friday when they forced their way into a Honda Civic on the Hohemarkstraße and made off with the vehicle.
A witness who saw the crime take place called the police who sent a patrol car to investigate. The car which was presumed to be stolen was still travelling along the Hohemarkstraße and the police officers signalled to the driver to stop.
However not only did car fail to stop, a high-speed chase ensued through the centre of Oberursel, even through parts of the old town and the pedestrian precinct. It was only when the car came to the dead-end at the end of the Aumühlenstraße that the three men left the car and ran off towards the “Weingärtenumgehung” (by-pass).
One of the men was caught by police after 150 metres and was arrested despite his resistance. The other two men were caught a short time later in the area. All three are of Eastern European original and are now in custody.
Meanwhile police are trying to find out if they can be linked to other car thefts in the area.
Speed checks on the Kanonenstraße
The police in Oberursel (Ordnungspolizei) carried out speed checks on the Kanonenstraße towards the Feldberg on Saturday afternoon last week (13th October).
Between 2.30pm and 4.30pm they measured the speed of 170 vehicles on a stretch of the road where a speed limit of 60km/h is in place.
12 of those measured were travelling too fast, with one motorcycle travelling at 99km/h. The driver faces a €120 fine and 3 points on their license. The fastest car was travelling at 83km/h, resulting in a fine of €30.
Speed checks on the Kanonenstraße
The police in Oberursel (Ordnungspolizei) carried out speed checks on the Kanonenstraße towards the Feldberg in both directions on Friday evening last week (5th October).
Between 6.15pm and 8.10pm they measured the speed of 564 vehicles travelling towards either Oberursel or the Sandplacken on a stretch of the road where a speed limit of 80km/h is in place.
29 of those measured were travelling too fast, with one motorcycle travelling at 133km/h. The driver faces a €160 fine, 3 points on their license and a 1 month driving ban. The fastest car was travelling at 111km/h, resulting in a fine of €80 and also 3 points on the driver’s license.