The diving school in the Karl-Hermann-Flach-Straße was broken into during last weekend (26th/27th July, 2014).
Equipment worth €21,000 was stolen from the shop, and police are not yet able to say how the burglars were able to enter the property. Oberursel
The latest news in English from Oberursel in the Taunus area of Germany.
The diving school in the Karl-Hermann-Flach-Straße was broken into during last weekend (26th/27th July, 2014).
Equipment worth €21,000 was stolen from the shop, and police are not yet able to say how the burglars were able to enter the property.
On the night of the 19th/20th July, 2013, thieves broke into both the IGS school in Stierstadt and the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule in Steinbach.
It is not believed that anything was stolen, but in both cases considerable damage was caused – several hundred Euro at IGS and around €7,000 in Steinbach.
Anyone with information is asked to call Oberursel police station on 06171 62400.
On 25th February 1913 the building of what was to become Oberursel’s Grammar School was officially opened.
Just over 100 years later, on Saturday, 29th June, 2013, it was the school’s headmaster, Volker Räuber, who addressed an audience of around 300 guests first about that occasion, and took a moment to look back at what the school had achieved and plans for the future. “If not know, then when?” he asked.
Taking the audience on a journey through the educational and sometimes political topics of those years, he described the school as an island, and criticised in particular the Pisa study that took place some years ago, saying that it was typical in Germany to look at things that go wrong, rather than achievements. [Read more…]
A school in the Zimmersmühlenweg was broken into last weekend between Friday 22nd and Monday 25th of March (2013).
The culprits broke a window and then entered the building looking for items of value. In one of the rooms they found a safe which was fixed to a wall. Although they were unable to open it they caused around €500 of damage.
If you drive along the Marxstraße in Oberursel you can’t help noticing the empty classrooms at one end of the road next to the Red Cross building and just before the entrance to Rolls Royce.
These „temporary“ classrooms have now been there for just over 25 years, and have over the course of those years been home to classes from Frankfurt International School (FIS), the primary school in Oberstedten, the primary school in Bommersheim and the grammar school (Gymnasium).
But now they stand empty and at the town council meeting last week the CDU party put forward no less than two motions on what to do with them, which led into another two motions on after-school child-care places.
The first suggestion was to have the buildings checked out to see if they can offer additional after-school places until others become available. This needed very little discussion, as, apparently, there is a tradition for all parties to support motions to “check” things, so-called “Prüfanträge”. [Read more…]
The “Regionalpark Open” was held in Oberursel on Sunday, 2nd September 2012.
Visitors had the chance to try out Pedelecs and Segways, and competitions were held to carry removal boxes on bicycles and for schools to build vehicles that were powered by water.
The newsagents in Camp King, Tabak-Carree-Rhode, are offering a discount of 10% on purchases of school supplies over €50 in their store at George-C.-Marshall-Ring 34, next to Edeka.
To receive the discount, download the voucher from their homepage, print it out and fill out your name and e-mail address. Sign it and hand it in when you take your list of school supplies into the shop.
A charity concert is being in Oberursel’s Grammar School (Gymnasium) in the Zeppelinstraße on Saturday, 24th September 2011 at 7pm.
The Belcanto soloists will be singing an collection of melodies from well-known operettas and musicals, accompanied by pianist Gerhard Schroth and conducted by Erika Sommer.
Entry is free but a donation is requested. The proceeds are going to the Nandri-Kinderhilfe e.V. organisation, which helps orphanages and schools in South-East India.
I am a freelance writer and photographer for the Oberurseler Woche in Germany. If you see an article or photo with (gt) against it – then it’s from me!
The Oberurseler Forum is a Facebook group that I run of which there is also an English language version.
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