Town Hall Key returned

As is the tradition on Ash Wednesday, Prince Karsten I. returned the key to the town hall to Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, having won it off him at the Rathaussturm 11 days earlier.

As is the tradition on Ash Wednesday, Prince Karsten I. returned the key to the town hall to Mayor Hans-Georg Brum.

Carnival procession photos on Facebook

The Smiles

Music & Dance

Prince Karsten I. at the town hall

Having successfully taken over the town hall last Saturday, Prince Karsten I. moved into the Mayor’s office on Thursday where he intends to run things until Ash Wednesday.

Prinz Karsten I. in the Mayor's Office with Hans-Georg Brum

The photo shows him settling into the Mayor’s office with his page, Lord Stewart and Mayor Hans-Georg Brum.

Oberursel Christmas Market 2017 – The Opening

The Christmas Market in Oberursel was opened on Thursday, 30th November, 2017 by Brunnenmeister Rainer Böhrig, Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, Town Treasurer Thorsten Schorr and organiser Sandy Mohr.

The Christmas Market in Oberursel was opened on Thursday, 30th November, 2017 by Brunnenmeister Rainer Böhrig, Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, Town Treasurer Thorsten Schorr and organiser Sandy Mohr.

One weekend, two festivals, three Mayors

There have been some high-level changes recently at Oberursel’s twin towns.

In May, Councillor Sophia Choudhary was nominated to be the new Mayor of Rushmoor.  There the position, which is largely a representative role, is not elected directly but instead by the town council.  Not only is Councillor Choudhary the youngest Mayor the borough has ever seen, she is also the first female muslim Mayor that they have had.  She uses the title “Mayor”, and not “Mayoress”, joking that the latter is used by her sister Attika, who accompanies her on official engagements. [Read more…]

Rheingau Wine Festival

The wine festival was opened this evening by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum and Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

They were accompanied by wine dignitaries from the Rheingau area and from Oberursel’s twin towns Rushmoor and Lomonossow.

Opening the wine festival

Opening the wine festival on Friday, 4th August, 2017.  From left to right are:

Andrew Lloyd, Paul Shackley (Borough Council Chief Executive) and Sophia Choudhary (Mayor) from Rushmoor

Alexander Korneev (Council Chairman) from Lomonossow

Thorsten Schorr (Town Treasurer) and Gerd Krämer (Council Chairman) from Oberursel

Sophie Egert, Oestrich Wine Queen

Oberursel Mayor Hans-Georg Brum

Valerie Gorgus, Hattenheim Wine Princess

Brunnenmeister Rainer

Fountain Queen Ann-Kathrin I.

Sophie Egert - Rainer Böhrig - Ann-Kathrin I. - Valerie Gorgus

Epinay-Platz on 25th March, 2017

This was the Epinay-Platz in Oberursel on Saturday, 25th March, 2017, when a pro-European rally was held on the 50th anniversary of the square being named after Oberursel’s twin town in France.

Prince Rüdiger I. at the town hall

Having successfully taken over the town hall last Saturday, Prince Rüdiger I. moved into the Mayor’s office on Monday where he intends to run things until Ash Wednesday.

Prince Rüdige I. settling into the Mayor's office with his pages Daniela Dobbertin (left), Sandy Mohr and Lord Stewart Benjamin I., with Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, and Treasurer Thorsten Schorr in the background.

The photo shows him settling into the Mayor’s office with his pages Daniela Dobbertin (left), Sandy Mohr and Lord Stewart Benjamin I., with Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, and Treasurer Thorsten Schorr in the background.

Carollers at the town hall

Carol singers in German do not go from house to house before Christmas eve, they do it afterwards instead – specifically between 27th December and 6th January.

During this time, the so-called “Sternsinger”, organised by the local church and who are sometimes translated as “star boys”, go from house to house to collect for a particular good cause using the year’s motto and dressed as the Three Kings.

The money raised this year will mainly be going towards projects to help children in Kenya.  With the whole country taking part, it is not unusual to raise over €40 million.

Before they leave they write 20*C+M+B+17 on the door frame, the letters standing for “Christus mansionem benedicat”, or “God protect this house”. [Read more…]

Opening Oberursel’s Christmas Market

Oberursel’s Christmas Market was opened on Thursday, 24th November, 2016 by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, accompanied by Stephan Remes (left), Treasurer Thorsten Schorr, and Council Chairman Gerd Krämer (right).

Oberursel's Christmas Market was opened on Thursday, 24th November, 2016 by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum, accompanied by Stephan Remes (left), Treasurer Thorsten Schorr, and Council Chairman Gerd Krämer (right).


The wine festival is officially open

The wine festival was official opened on Friday, 5th August, 2016 by Mayor Hans-Georg Brum.

Opening the wine festival: Christian Peter, Nadine I., Hans-Georg Brum, Louisa Follrich, Sophie Egert, Tabea Klepper, Peter Seyffardt and Gerd Krämer.

With him in the photo are (from left to right): Brunnenmeister Christian Peter, Fountain Queen Nadine I., Rheingau Wine Queen Louisa Follrich, Oestrich Wine Queen Sophie Egert, Hallgarten Wine Queen Tabea Klepper, the president of the Rheingau wine growers’ association Peter Seyffardt and Town Council Chairman Gerd Krämer.


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