Changes to U3 trains from Saturday

U-Bahn (U3) single unit train in Oberursel station on 12th August 2012Due to works on the track at Niederursel the U3 trains from Oberursel will terminate at Weißkirchen-Ost from Friday, 4th June until Tuesday, 14th June, 2016.

A replacement bus service will take rail passengers to Niederursel and Nordweststadt, from where the U1 will continue into Frankfurt.  The U1 will be running more frequently than usual.

The U8 route will not be serviced by trains and the U9 will only run between Riedberg and Nieder-Eschbach.

To get to Frankfurt without using the bus service it is advisable to change to the S5 line in Oberursel.

On Sunday, 12th June, works on a bridge in Bommersheim mean that the U3 will not be running at all and will be replaced by buses between Weißkirchen-Ost and Hohemark.

A last chance to ride behind the steam trains

There has been a lot going on at the miniature railway in the Mainstraße, run by the “Dampfbahnclub Taunus”, with the club getting ready for their big move.  They have to vacate the land at the end of the current season to make way for a new school building.

They already dismantled their model railway after it ran for the last time in July, the turntable at the station has been removed and in two weeks the 5″ inner circle will be taken up.  After that, just the 7¼” and 5″ outer circle will remain for the last day of steam on 12th October, 2014.

For a while the club was uncertain as to whether they could even run on the last year, but last week at the penultimate public steam day operations manager Hans Kabbe insisted “we’ll be running!”  Those interested in the future of the club will not only be able to take a last ride around the grounds but also find out more about what is planned for the new site by way of the plan and the model that will be on display.

Operations manager Hans Kabbe (left) and Tobias Weber explaining the the plans for the new site to Manfred Kunz (right), who was at the opening of the current grounds in 1979.

Operations manager Hans Kabbe (left) and Tobias Weber explaining the the plans for the new site to Manfred Kunz (right), who was at the opening of the current grounds in 1979.

This article appeared in German on 18th September, 2014 in the Oberurseler Woche.

You may also like to listen to our 2007 podcast “Visiting the trains” where we first interviewed the chairman, Matthias Zundel, about the club.

A Really Useful Evening of Information about Local Trains

It was an evening that many users of public transport had been waiting for, even since the possibility of it taking place was announced last summer when discussion about the length of the U-Bahn trains during the holidays was in full swing.

The town’s administration had brought together representatives of both the train operating company, VGF, and the local transport association, VHT to explain something of the way the line is run and to answer travellers’ questions.

The town itself will by paying 1.4 million Euro this year towards the running costs, and is proud of the fact that all of the local stations have been modernised to make them wheelchair-accessible, but they also regret the loss of the 7½ minute service that used to run as far as the main station at peak times. [Read more…]

Shorter U-Bahn trains for the school holidays

A double-unit U3 train crossing the road in Bommersheim

A double-unit U3 train crossing the road in Bommersheim

I’m not the only person in Oberursel who has noticed something missing recently when travelling by train (U-Bahn) to Frankfurt.

A whole train unit.

Regular readers to the original blog may remember that the stations in Oberursel were upgraded before the Hessentag to take longer trains, making the platforms 75 metres long instead of 50 metres, or in train terms three units coupled together on normal workdays instead of two, each unit being made up of two carriages.

For the past two weeks however, the trains having been running with just two units on these days as well, not just at the weekend, so I asked the local train company why this was.

My suspicions were confirmed: it is all to do with the school holidays.

I received a more detailed response from the town hall in Oberursel. [Read more…]

Trains to replaced by buses at night in the coming week

U-Bahn trains at the Hohemark terminus in OberurselLocal train company VGF have announced that the U3 line that runs through Oberursel will be replaced by buses starting tomorrow, Monday 23rd April, 2012 until Thursday 26th April between Oberursel’s main station (Oberursel Bahnhof) and the end of the line at the Hohemark after 10pm at night.

This is to allow the railway sleepers along the line to be replaced.

The last train from the Südbahnhof to travel to Hohemark will leave at 20:45.  The last train from Hohemark will leave at 21:42.

The buses will stop at or near the stations along the length of the line, and will leave Hohemark 5 minutes before the scheduled time of the train in order to connect with the trains at Oberursel Bahnhof.

Buses to replace U3 service between Lahnstraße and Hohemark tomorrow

U-Bahn trains at the Hohemark terminus in OberurselThe U3 will not be running between Lahnstraße and Hohemark tomorrow, Saturday 25th February 2012, from 6am until around 4pm.

During this time replacement buses will be running.

The bus stop is in Lahnstraße itself, and not in the Hohemarkstraße.

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