Roads closed, trains and buses cancelled on 1st May

With the cycle race “Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt” taking place in Oberursel on Tuesday, 1st May, 2018, a number of roads will be closed with changes to public transport services as well.

The following roads will be closed between approximately 9am until 2pm: [Read more…]

Oberursel’s Carnival Procession – Sunday, 11th February, 2018

Sunday afternoon sees the annual carnival procession take place in Oberursel, with the usual number of large crowds expected.

The procession will form in the Altkönigstraße and then leave from “Am Rahmtor” at 2.11pm before crossing the Marktplatz and entering the Eppsteiner Str.

On reaching the “Homm-Kreisel” it will turn into the Holzweg and cross the Epinayplatz before entering the Henchenstraße, at the end of which it will turn into the Liebfrauenstraße. [Read more…]

Long-term roadworks in the Altkönigstraße

Monday, 7th August, 2017 sees the start of roadworks in the Altkönigstraße that are set to last until the end of March 2018.

The first stage will see the footpath on the southern side of the road being re-surfaced between houses 60 and 68 and the bus stop being re-built to make level access to the buses.

Roadworks sign - ©Can Stock Photo Inc. / RedKoalaThen the footpath will be re-surfaced up to the Rotbornstraße.

In the third stage the footpath and the parking bays on the northern side of the road between the Clara-Schumann-Straße and Steinmühlenweg will be done, followed by the footpath and bus stop near the Steinmühlenweg and Altkönigstraße number 73.

The final stage will see the road itself being re-surfaced.

The first four stages will see the road reduced to a single carriageway with traffic lights in operation.  The road will need to be closed completely for part of the re-surfacing work in the finale stage.

Local residents should be able to access their drives at most times.  The cost of the project is being paid for in part by a grant from the regional government (Land Hessen), and will in total cost €730,000.

Car mirrors damaged in the Altkönigstraße

Police report that two cars parked in the Altkönigstraße on Monday, 17th July, 2017, had their mirrors damaged.  One Mercedes and one Audi were affected, leaving €700 of damage.  Witnesses are asked to call 06171 62400.

Altkönigstraße closed on Saturday

The Altkönigstraße in Oberursel will be closed on Saturday, 8th July, 2017, at the point where the bus stop “Brüder-Winter-Straße” is currently being re-built, to allow for re-surfacing work to take place.
The area between the Altenhöfer Weg and the Altköngstraße will only be accessible by using the Borkenberg.

Bus 41 route diverted on Saturday

Due to the Altkönigstraße being closed on Saturday, 8th July, 2017, the bus route 41 will be diverted in both directions.
Between the stops “Im Heidegraben” and the “Homm” roundabout at the junction of the Hohemarkstraße and the Holzweg, the bus will follow route 42 and stop at the bus stops along that route.
The evening bus 45 is not affected.

Roads closed, trains and buses cancelled on 1st May

With both the cycle race “Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt” taking place in Oberursel on Monday, 1st May, 2017, a number of roads will be closed with changes to public transport services as well.

The following roads will be closed between approximately 9am until 2pm: [Read more…]

Oberursel’s Carnival Procession – Sunday, 26th February, 2017

Sunday afternoon sees the annual carnival procession take place in Oberursel, with the usual number of large crowds expected.

The procession will form in the Altkönigstraße and then leave from “Am Rahmtor” at 2.11pm before crossing the Marktplatz and entering the Eppsteiner Str.

On reaching the “Homm-Kreisel” it will turn into the Holzweg and cross the Epinayplatz before entering the Henchenstraße, at the end of which it will turn into the Liebfrauenstraße. [Read more…]

Drama in the Altkönigstraße

Police were called to a flat in the Altkönigstraße at 11am on Monday, 24th October, 2016, where a man refused access to the flat despite a medical emergency being reported.  As police believed the situation to be dangerous, a wide area was cordoned off with both orderlies from the town and the fire brigade attending.

At 4.15pm police overpowered the man in his flat and he is now receiving medical attention in a clinic.

Roads closed, trains and buses cancelled on 1st May

With both the cycle race “Rund um den Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt” and the “Altstadt-Duathlon” taking place in Oberursel on Sunday, 1st May, 2016, a number of roads will be closed with changes to public transport services as well.

The following roads will be closed or inaccessible between approximately 8am until 5pm: [Read more…]

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